To Catch a Thief...
"Set a spring loaded trap, a hallway full of sharp, swiftly moving blades, a widdowmaker and a scorpion pit" Okay, that's not an exact Terry Pratchett quote, but it's close. I like that. I saw the Hitchcock movie by that name. It was okay. I guessed who was the thief straight off. And I really disliked that movie for whatever reason. I was reminded of the Bourne Identity, again for whatever reason and I really liked that. Except for that whole stupid bit at the hotel, but Hollywood showed some surprising restraint with that. I was pleased. Even though I fastforwarded. I don't think that characters in action movies should ever go further than a kiss. Yes, I know, I'm weird. Meh, deal with it or get lost. Gah, I need my fanfic fix (sounds redundant when read aloud), but I have to finish my reading. Happy feast of... >checking calander< the Dedication of Sts Peter and Paul for you in the Roman rite and the feast day of Sts Plato and Roman in the Eastern rite. Until my next post.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
Saints Plato and Roman?!
Whoa! ^_^
It's good to see you writing again. I hope you're liking Ave Maria... despite the small library.
Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!
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