пʼятницю, серпня 13, 2004

First Post!

At long, long, last, the story begins. Actually, it's not just one story, but many, almost a tapestry of stories, you might say. And they all wait to be written, and thus woven into existence.
Okay, I'm done being poetic. Now I'm going to be about as straightforward as I get. Here, I hope to record my thoughts, rants, opinions, short stories, reviews, and lots of other random things that I will think of as I write. Should you wish to tag along/ read, do not expect regular updates, I am a college student. Please give constructive criticism whenever possible and be aware that my mini-balrog (I am adopting one soon!) will enjoy all flames directed at me and attack on command.
That's about the long and short of it, and thus my introduction is completed! Let the celebration begin!


Blogger Meredith said...

Hey Finrod!

Great to see you've entered the ring. I can't wait to read your reviews...

Oh, and good luck at Ave Maria!

10:22 пп  

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