понеділок, квітня 18, 2005

And so it begins

The first day of the conclave to elect a new Pope, and as usual the bloody liberal media gets it soo horribly wrong. I wonder sometimes why I ever even bother to read the news. I mean really, a Pope Pius XIII would be a sign that the new Pope wanted to 'move backward'? Excuse me for not thinking V2 was the epitome of brilliant progress and the be all end all of the Catholic church! We have 2000 yrs of tradition and some people can see no further back than 30! It's freaking pathetic. Grrr... I'm not in the best of moods today and I should be working on a paper due tomorrow, but here I am ranting! Here's another thing the liberal media is getting wrong- 'drastic decline of female religious orders...resigned to dying out...' etc. Two things on this- Many are called but few accept God's will. St. John Bosco said that 90% of those called say 'no' to God! And another thing, and on this thought I shall leave:
If Vatican Two was so wonderful, then why a decline in Mass attendance, religious vocations, and belief in the True Presence?
Some days it hurts to think about this all. I just have to remember that I'm a bug on the tapestry of Time, which is woven by the greatest Artist.

субота, квітня 02, 2005

Ioannes Paulus: Requiesat in Pace

And please forgive my Latin if I've erred... I'm not a good Latin scholar. I have no words for a life of such accomplishments, only profound admiration and respect, coupled with a deep sense of loss. One did not think of the Pope as being simply 'a' Pope, though perhaps one should have. Instead he was 'the' Pope, the Servant of the Servants of God. And as with any other human on the face of the earth, the Pope is lent to us. One day, God will take him back and he must give an account of himself before the fearesome judgement seat of God, who is perfection of justice and mercy. I pray he accounts himself well for the leading of the Church on Earth. I am certain he will. He will be missed.
Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
Gloria Patri et Filli et Spiritui Sancti, sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in sacula saculorum, Amen.