Hehe.. updating...
Yes, well... I hadn't anticipated the workload in Rome being as insane as it was. And yes, I know, other people still managed to update. They're cool like that. I'm... obviously not. Oh well. So Rome was amazing. I will post back-entries from my journal here, I do promise that. Back entries. Plural. Eventually. For now I will simply post some random things.
Random things Meme
1. Give us a random stat
I have 5 bookcases in my room for a total of 16 shelves full of books
2. What's new this month?
My Nanonovel is descending into chaos. This is at least mildly discouraging but to be expected since this is the last day of the Nano..
3. Tell us something random
I got in at 4.30 AM Tues.
4. Make a resolution
Somehow I resolve that I will get this blog back to a more regular updating schedule thing.
5. Ask a question
Does anyone want to try a round-robin over the break? Does anyone read this blog? Oh, wait, that's two questions...
Random things Meme
1. Give us a random stat
I have 5 bookcases in my room for a total of 16 shelves full of books
2. What's new this month?
My Nanonovel is descending into chaos. This is at least mildly discouraging but to be expected since this is the last day of the Nano..
3. Tell us something random
I got in at 4.30 AM Tues.
4. Make a resolution
Somehow I resolve that I will get this blog back to a more regular updating schedule thing.
5. Ask a question
Does anyone want to try a round-robin over the break? Does anyone read this blog? Oh, wait, that's two questions...