пʼятниця, червня 24, 2005

"Paper or Plastic?" The Trials of My New Job

I'm slowly forming an opinon of my job of bagging/cashiering. I hate it.(If I sound a bit like Kakashi, it wasn't deliberate- but I do find it amusing) Bagging is worse than cashiering, the eternal question becomes "Paper or plastic"? If you have any friends who are baggers that you wish to torment, tell them "Paper. Double bagged. And make sure you put everything that has an 'e' in it in one bag. But don't make it too heavy." GAH! Eeevil... However, if you wish to make friends amongst the lowly baggers, tell them (with a smile) "Plastic please!" And to heck with the environment! I don't think that using paper helps. I think reusing cloth bags is a very good idea that I've seen all of twice, probably used by liberal, Kerry-voting vegetarians.

I resolved to read some good books this summer. So far, I've been devouring the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, finished Gaudy Night most recently. After that I read Ice Station Zebra, which was shockingly even better than I remembered it. But I haven't really been reading any great literature. I think I shall try to though. I promised someone I'd read "The Ball and the Cross" again in preparation for a discussion not this coming Sunday but next. I intend to read other good books too- and to clean my room, be nicer to the brother and the dog and to socialize more often. And update on this more often...Hehehe....