Happy New Year!
2005! Hm, this gives me an interesting thought. Why do we say 'Two thousand five' usually. We said "Ninteen-ninety nine" the next logical step is "Twenty oh five." But no one says that it seems. It's stupid. I refuse to abide by saying two thousand when it should be twenty. Perhaps the 'twenty' usage will gain popularity in later years, for example 2025, 2010 etc, but I refuse to wait that long and let CNN and popular opinion dictate how I pronounce the date. I already write day/month/year, because it makes sense, therefore in keeping with that, this year is officially (in _my_ book) "Twenty oh five". Now on to the far more conventional "New Year's Resolutions!"
Be It Hearby Resolved by me that in this year 2005 I will...
1. Study Latin every day.
2. Pray a rosary every day.
3.Finish the fanfics I've started before moving on to more!
4. Get in a serious workout at least once a week.
5. Go to JACON.
6. Read all my assigned reading.
7. Be nice to my roommates.
8. Make at least one convert to anime.
Be It Hearby Resolved by me that in this year 2005 I will...
1. Study Latin every day.
2. Pray a rosary every day.
3.Finish the fanfics I've started before moving on to more!
4. Get in a serious workout at least once a week.
5. Go to JACON.
6. Read all my assigned reading.
7. Be nice to my roommates.
8. Make at least one convert to anime.
I wish I had more things to add. It would have been nice to have had ten resolutions, that looks very neat, but oh well. I refuse to add "Finish War and Peace" because I plan to do that over the summer anyway and I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Well, good luck with your New Year's resolutions, and may this New Year be a blessed one!