неділя, липня 23, 2006

If I Were an Anime Character (Fighting Series)...

Wow, a post that's about the same thing as the previous post! Rarity, that... Got this from Myth's cool blog and just had to write it out!:D

1. Appearance: 5'9 (>grins<) Straight black hair in a low ponytail, maybe with a little loose from the ponytail to frame the face. Definitely athletic- like me at age 13 but taller and stronger proportionate to the age difference.

2. Fight Ability - on a combat scale of 1-10 (1 being an attack of a wet noodle, and 10 being destroying a city block.): 6 or so generally speaking, but like most anime characters can be counted on for one last desperate all-or-nothing attack.

3. Weapon of choice: Primary weapon: a naginata, possibly a weird sort of futuristic one with an energy blade (much handwavium!:)) instead of the traditional metal one. Possibly one with collapsible metal pole for easy transport and hiding? Hm... can I still call it a naginata if I do all this? Well, I'm going to. Secondary weapons: kunai and a nin-to, plus a handful of smoke bombs.

4. Clothing: Usually wears black trousers, grey gi and a green Naruto-verse armoured vest with all those lovely useful pockets! The sleeves of the gi are twisted and fastened at the wrists with buckles but these can be undone so you can tie the sleeves out of the way at need.

5. Weakness: Well, a naginata is pretty hard to be inconspicuous with, plus the point that once you get the blade out of the way it's just a pole. Hence the secondary weapons, but still... Also has low initiative for starting a fight and has a distinct disadvantage when not starting the fight- ie, if the other person ambushes/otherwise gets the drop on said character. Will hesitate to attack if it will place friends/innocent bystanders in danger. Has a 'Real Life' and thus doesn't always get enough sleep to deal with both fighting the bad guys and 'Real Life'. After an intense, pitched battle, is prone to be unable to get off the adrenaline high and realise that there _aren't_ any more enemies to fight. Occasionally injures teammates/allies and is remorse-stricken to the point of near paralysis for the next three episodes. Has yet to kill any teammates/allies, but due to this doesn't have many teammates/allies.

1. MEREDITH! Because you need a break from Greek!
2. Coriel
3. Charlemagne
4. RT if he's interested
5. Anyone else
Please link your post if you're going to do it!


Blogger R. T. Sender said...

I would, but I don't think I know enough to say anything.

10:44 пп  
Blogger Conquistadora said...

Gosh, this place is dark. Build yourself a sidebar! ^_~

2:39 пп  
Anonymous Анонім said...

I was going to do this, but I forgot! Sorry...

1. Appearance: 5'5"; sharp, sensitive face; grey eyes and thick black hair, short but always getting in eyes; a wirey fiery little person.

2. Fight Ability: 5.

3. Weapons: straight Chinese sword with a light blade and an ivory hilt. A red laquered bow and a quiver of long black arrows.

4. Clothing: Dark scholar's jacket, white linen shirt, boots with sneaky soles.

5. Weakness: Is not a professional warrior. (Is involved in a student rebellion gone predictably wrong.) Is fatally obsessed with vengeance.

3:59 пп  
Blogger Lost Noldo said...

Yay! Better late than never!:D So, when are you going to update your blog, Meredith? I need to email you soonish... haven't for a while >is feeling guilty<

4:03 пп  

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